Senin, 19 November 2012

Experimental Deathcore Band From Surabaya.


Six (6) guys from different cities and characters agreed to create the band in early 2011 with the name "Long Day After Die". which represents our personal experiences. our Deathcore will rock a small hole in your ears. Long Day After Die, we will keep playing if you keep listening!

Dhirga Permana - Lead Vocal

Edy Cees -  Guitar

Fadh Muthaher - Bacvoc - Guitar

Ganda Iki - Bass

Rick Koko - Synth

Maurin Farid - Drum

Experimental Deathcore Band From Surabaya. Come download our first single at More info cp: 085655445488

Band yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh Band Suicide Silence, As Blood Runs Black dan Whitecapel ini menurut Dhirga Permana, sang frontman dalam penciptaan single “Cliche” dilakukan bersama-sama namun sentuhan lirik dan instrument banyak digali oleh sang gitaris, Eddy Cess dan Fadh Muthaher serta sang bassist, Ganda . Untuk proses record dilakukan memakan waktu hingga dua hari.

Long Day After Die seakan tidak akan berhenti dan siap untuk meluncurkan lagu beberapa single-nya dalam beberapa bulan kedepan.

Download  song

Long Day After Die - Cliché


Long Day After Die - Cliché

Live. . .
Do you believe in life after death?Do you believe awake from the grave?Do you believe in hell and heaven?Do you believe in the judgement day?
This is a ClichéOoh. . .This is a Cliché
Cliché. . .Cliché. . .
Well. . . How about our sins?Will it be counted?Will. . . We found the answer?When we are already death
ReincarnationBid us about a new lifeResurrectionReborn to tell the answer
Cli. . . ché. . .Cli. . . ché. . .
We see the pastWe're fancing destructionWe see the futureWe're fancing Disaster
We see the pastWe're fancing destructionWe see the futureWe're fancing DisasterIn fear, In confusion
ReincarnationBid us about a new lifeResurrectionReborn to tell the answer
Ooh. . .